
BSGD Interviews


Common Interview Questions With Answers

Tell me about yourself

  • Tip: Decide in advance which of your skills and career highlights best fit the role.
  • Answer: Share those as a personal and interesting story, showing how you got started, where you are now, and how this role is the next logical chapter.

What interests you about this position?

  • Tip: Research the company and position beforehand to find specific things you like around mission, culture, customers, and the role.
  • Answer: Get specific about the impact you want to have and how your skills fit well.

What are your strengths?

  • Tip: Decide ahead of time which of your strengths best match the requirements of the role.
  • Answer: Highlight just 2 to 3 and back them up with memorable stories of times you shined.

Tell me about a time you failed. How did you deal with that situation?

  • Tip: Demonstrate that you are humble, resilient, and growth-oriented.
  • Answer: Tell a story of a setback that you quickly recovered and learned from – and then moved forward.

Describe a time you motivated others. How did you accomplish it?

  • Tip: Even if you are not in leadership, they want to see leadership here – tailoring your approach to the situation and personalities involved.
  • Answer: Highlight a time when you were positive, persistent, and persuasive.

Tell me a time you had to handle multiple projects at once. How did it go?

  • Tip: Focus on your time management and reliability.
  • Answer: Share an example where you used a repeatable system – prioritized in a smart way, delegated, blocked time, gave frequent updates.

Describe a time you went through a major change at work. How did you adapt?

  • Tip: Employers are looking for people who are excited about change, not just tolerant of it.
  • Answer: Tell a story about a big change that impacted you and your job and how you adjusted quickly; bonus if you got others on board.

Tell me about a time you set a goal for yourself. How did you ensure you achieved it?

  • Tip: Show you can Get. Things. Done. That you set clear goals and follow through.
  • Answer: Pick an example where you succeeded in a rigorous way – break the goal into small steps, made progress each day, showed grit through challenges.

What’s an example of a time you disagreed with a boss or colleague? How did it go?

  • Tip: Never badmouth the other person (the interviewer is imagining themselves).
  • Answer: Pick a time when you had a good case, communicated it professionally, and reached a positive resolution.

What are your weaknesses?

  • Tip: Don’t use “I care too much” or other cliches – this is about self-awareness.
  • Answer: Describe 1 to 2 that aren’t critical to the role, and note the ways you’ve been working on them.

Any questions for me?

  • Tip: The only question almost guaranteed to be asked – don’t sleep on this.
  • Answer: Ask questions that show you’ve researched the role, the company, and what success looks like (ex: What would success look like in the first 6 months of this role?).

Anything we didn’t get to discuss?

  • Tip: Don’t say no! Before the interview, think about the 2 to 3 main points that you want to emphasize throughout the interview.
  • Answer: Use this time to reiterate those.
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