
GitHub Repository (Console)


This guide will walk you through creating a Git repository and hosting it remotely on GitHub. You will learn how to make the initial commit and push your changes to the repository. The instructions will demonstrate how to use Git via the command line prompt.

Create Repository

  • Open a command prompt in the directory that you want to place under source conrol.
  • Use the git init command to initialize a Git repository in the directory.
    git init
Git Init

A .gitignore file serves to exclude specific files and directories from being tracked in Git. It allows the exclusion of files that are temporary or only required during project builds, ensuring they are not included in the repository’s history.

Git VS Ignore
  • Click the download icon to download the file
Git VS Ignore Download
  • Copy the downloaded file to the project directory
    • Remove the “VisualStudio” part of the filename so the filename is .gitignore
Git Ignore
  • Add the files to Git using the git add . command
    git add .
Git Add

Individual files can be added using git add <filename>
All files can be added using get add .

  • There will be warnings about the line ending of the files
  • Different operating systems using different types of line endings
    • Windows uses CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed) and Unix uses LF (Line Feed)
  • To disable the warnings, use the git config core.autocrlf true command
    git config core.autocrlf true
Git Line Config
  • Commit the changes using the git command commit -m <message>”
  • For the first commit, it will look like git commit -m “Initial commit”
    git commit -m “Initial commit”
Git Commit

About GitHub

GitHub is a web-based platform used for version control and collaboration on software development projects, primarily using Git. It allows developers to track changes to their code, work on projects simultaneously, and manage different versions or branches of their work. GitHub also serves as a repository hosting service, enabling teams to store, share, and review code while maintaining a history of contributions.

The following steps assumes that you have a GitHub page already setup. If you do not have a GitHub account, proceed to the GitHub signup page and create an account:

The default branch name of your GitHub repository may be “master” or “main”. Originally, the base branch was called “master” but has now been updated to “main”. You can set the default branch name with the following steps. It’s important to know what the default branch name when using it.

Set Default Branch Name

  • Open you GitHub page
  • Navigate to the Settings at the top right.
GitHub Settings
  • Select Repositories
GitHub Repo
  • Set the default branch name to “master” or “main”
    • This will be the default branch name for all repositories created
GitHub Repo

Create Remote Repository

A Git remote repository is hosted on a server, allowing developers to store, share, and collaborate on code. It acts as a central hub where contributors can push local changes and pull updates regardless of their location. Popular platforms for hosting include GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

  • Open your GitHub repositories page
  • Click Repositories
  • Click New to create a new repository.
GitHub New
  • Type the name of the repository
  • Add a README file (optional)
  • Click Create repository
GitHub New Name
  • Copy the HTTPS URL for the new repository.
GitHub URL
  • To upload the Git repository to the remote repository (GitHub), use the command git remote add origin <url>.git
  • Use the copied HTTPS URL from the new GitHub repository for the url
  • Example: git remote add origin
GitHub Remote Add

Depending on what your remote branch is set to, the follow step will either be “master” or “main”.

  • To push the changes to the remote repository (GitHub), use the command git push -u origin main
    git push -u origin main
GitHub Push
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